Write for Us

Guest Bloggers: Submit Your Content

Women’s Global Virtual Assistant offers two types of writing opportunities as described below.

Content Submissions

Women’s Global Virtual Assistant is currently accepting reader content submissions. It’s a great way to get your name in front of a community of women working in the field of business.  You can submit an original article for possible publication on womensglobalva.com by completing the Content Submission Form

Weekly Contributors

Women’s Global Virtual Assistant is currently looking for ongoing contributors.  If you use WordPress and would like to commit to writing one article per week that can help women succeed in business and is not self-promotional, complete the Weekly Contributors Form and include “Weekly Contributor” in the Subject line.  Also, explain why you think you can add value to Women’s Global Virtual Assistant and include links to your online clips, portfolio, blogs, etc.  Note: this is not a paying role but does provide the author additional online exposure and networking opportunities.

Only writers who contact directly will be considered.

What’s In It For You?

Articles We Are Interested In:

Guest Post Guideline Submission Requirements

Images & Video

We welcome images and/or video to accompany guest posts. Your images must:


We are pleased to give you credit as the author of your post. Your byline will be displayed at the bottom of the page below your guest post.

Social Media Post

We want your post to be seen by as many people as possible.

If you are interested in writing for us, please fill out the Content Submission Form

You will be contacted shortly after for approval.