Virtual Assistance: Relationship Based Marketing

Virtual Assistant Marketing

One of the things I absolutely love about being a virtual assistant is building relationships with my clients. Before I was a virtual assistant, I tried doing direct sales from home and what I did not like was trying to sell and advertise. Today we are going to talk about the marketing cycle for virtual assistants because it is not about the selling or advertising but rather the relationships you build and the value you can provide that can help others succeed and prosper. This article will teach you the basics to relationship based marketing and how it will lead to your business success.

1. Research

So the first thing is doing your research. If you are a new virtual assistant or thinking about just starting up, you need to do a ton of research and that goes from researching your target market, to researching your skills, and researching how you are going to build your own business.

2. Find Potential Clients

When you have established your target market, you are going to want to find where your target market is hanging out. So maybe your target market hangs out mostly on LinkedIn if you’re in the corporate world, or if you are into the arts industry maybe your target market is hanging out at Instagram. Try finding them over social media, your inner circle of friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and so on. You will soon learn where to find your potential clients and once you do, you need to find out what it is that you can offer them that will benefit them and their business.

3. Connect with your Potential Clients

The second you connect with your potential clients you begin to build a relationship and more importantly than starting to build a relationship is maintaining that relationship and being as genuine as possible. This is truely the heart of relationship based marketing

4. Valuable Relationships= Business Opportunities

If you and your potential client build a great relationship it is most likely that they would love to do business with you and hire you as their virtual assistant because you have already built a solid foundation of likability, credibility and reliability. When you provide your services to your client and they are happy with your work, they are likely to refer you to others and this is a great way of attaining new business.

The cycle then repeats itself and soon you will be flooded with clients. I look forward the opportunities that will come to you through relationship based marketing.

Connect with me at the Business Savvy Virtual Assistant Facebook Group

  • I would love to know what do you do to maintain relationships or seek your potential clients? What does relationship based marketing look like for your business?


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