Email List Building for Service-Based Businesses

Email List Building for Service Based Businesses Blog

Email list building can take your service-based business to the next level of success.   Emails have the power to nurture your leads, taking them through your strategic sales funnel. The bigger the list, the bigger the potential of increasing your bottom line. Emails are a great way to stay connected with your target audience and create long term relationships with those that want to hear more about what you have to offer. 

Why Email List Building Is Important

Do you remember that time July of 2019 that social media had a global outage? People sat there on their devices, refreshing their pages, frustrated, wondering, is it my connection? Is it my wifi? Is it my device? Hours later, to realize the answer is NOPE. It was social media that went completely off the grid during a maintenance glitch. Here’s the thing, it’s not just happened once. It’s happened multiple times. 

For all those business owners who had their perfectly curated content scheduled out on their favorite schedulers— they went into complete panic. What now? How will I reach my audience now? For those that had important posts scheduled out like their latest course launch, their limited time offers, their latest webinar masterclass— they were unable to get their very important message to their audience. So what now? Meanwhile, those with email list were happy as can be— still keeping in touch with their audience, still making sales, still marching forward. 

Let’s step away from these outages, since they aren’t an every day occurrence. However, facts are that the algorithms are constantly changing. There’s new hearsay every day about how to one-up the ever changing algorithms. Business owners are complaining that their engagement and visibility is low, but their investment in time in social media is high. So if your ideal audience is not seeing your social media content, then what is the best way to reach them? The answer is: their inbox. Directly to their inbox, because there’s no mysterious algorithm to figure out, there’s no outage or glitch to worry about. There IS a high return on your investment of time you spend on nurturing your email list. There IS high visibility being that you’re easily accessible and right in their inbox. There IS higher engagement because they feel that they are connected to your brand.

Do you remember Myspace? Hottest social media platform of it’s time. Who knew it would fall out of its popularity and be replaced by Facebook. Who’s to say that Facebook won’t be obsolete in a few years with the newest trendy social media platform? The only true thing that can remain and last a lifetime on the internet is your website and the emails you have captured. 

Where to Begin

If you’re wondering, where do I  start building my list? The answer is: start with those you know. This can be current or past clients, acquaintances or people you have networked with that are interested in what you have to offer. Collecting emails with your ideal clients, or the people you interact with in your business circle is so key. Even if they aren’t your ideal clients, they might just know someone who is. 

Tip: The great thing about email marketing is you can segment, and group your list into different categories to get your message clear to the right set of people. 

Best Email Marketing Software

There are so many email marketing softwares out there. It is up to you to choose which is best for your business needs. Personally, I started wIth MailChimp and converted now to MailerLite.  

Tip: If you’d like to sign up for MailerLite, you’ll receive $20 in credit when you use my affiliate link here: Try MailerLite Now 

If you’d like to try MailChimp, you’ll receive $30 in MonkeyRewards credit when you use my affiliate link here:  Powered by Mailchimp

Optimizing Your Website with Opt-Ins

If you have a website, having an in-line opt-in or pop-up opt-in embedded in your site is an excellent way to build your email list. Your website is something you have complete control over, and can determine where and how your audience can opt-in. 

Tip: Offering free valuable content, or a great discount is a great incentive for people to want to opt-in to your email list. 

You can create your own WordPress website free at: SiteRubix

Optimizing Your  Social Media with Landing Pages

Maybe you don’t have a website yet so you’re wondering how can I start my email list if I don’t have a website optin to refer them to? The answer is: create a landing page. Creating a landing page is incredibly beneficial as its sole purpose is to turn the visitor into a lead/ email subscriber taking them directly into your sales funnel.


Start Building Your Email List

Whether you are:

  1. In the beginning stages of building your email list 
  2. Already have an established and ever growing email list
  3. Haven’t started your email list building but would like to start now

I can help you with all of the above. Simply fill out the form below, and let’s take your email list building to the next level!

Full Disclaimer: This post contains Google Ads

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